10 Tips for growing tomato plants in a pot
Tomatoes are one of the most popular edible plants to grow at home, and for good reason. Most varieties grow well in containers and taste much better than tomatoes that end up in the grocery store. Tomato loves the sun and prefers a water system (the better), but it doesn’t need much attention. Plant them now, and soon you’ll be enjoying a salad of fresh tomatoes and greens.
The benefits of growing tomatoes in containers
Growing tomatoes in pots or other containers has many advantages:
• Tomato plants grown in space-saving containers. • Can be placed on a patio, balcony, driveway or in a flower bed.
• Containers can be moved to follow 6-8 hours of sunlight that tomatoes should thrive. • Growing plants can be transplanted into containers first growing time than in the ground.
• Biggest Benefit: Fresh, tasty home-grown tomatoes right from your kitchen.
The best tomato varieties for gardening
Tomatoes are divided into determinate types, which keep their flowers and produce fruit at the same time, or indeterminate types, tomato vines that need support and continue fruiting during the flowering period.
• Decide that tomatoes are usually compact plants (called bush tomatoes) that grow well in containers. • The best tomato varieties for pots are Glacier, Tiny Tim, Italian Roma, Maglia Rosa (semi-determinate).
• If you have access to vine tomatoes, the best non-potting tomato varieties are Sun Sugar, Sun Gold, Cherokee Purple, and Chocolate Cherry.
Tips for growing tomatoes in containers
1. Plant a patio or bush tomato variety
Small tomato plants, known as patio or bush varieties, grow and grow best in containers. Don’t let one plant fool you – a small tomato plant can still produce a lot of fruit. Tomatoes that are good for containers usually grow to a uniform size, usually 1 to 3 feet tall, and begin to bear fruit. There are many patio-style tomatoes and many others that are on sale at any time of the year. The best tomato varieties for pots are ‘Patio Choice Yellow’, ‘Tumbler’, ‘Bush Early Girl’, ‘Pixie’, ‘Tiny Tim’ and ‘Little Fry’.
2. Choose a large pot.
Tomatoes have a large and wide root system. The bigger the container, the more your plant’s roots will grow. The best pots for growing tomatoes will hold at least 5 gallons of soil and be 20 inches in diameter or more. Pouring 5 gallons, although not very attractive, makes a good bag of tomatoes after spreading the drainage hole in the ground.
3. Drainage is important.
Tomatoes will grow in plastic, clay, stone, and even metal pots, but pots without drainage holes are useless. Drain holes allow large amounts of water to escape. Plant tomatoes only in well-drained pots.
4. Use potting soil.
An ordinary pot of soil taken from your garden will not drain easily for growing tomatoes in containers. Potted tomato plants will do well in potted soil. Lightweight and easy to use, the potting mix is designed to be very liquid.
5. provide nutrients
Nutrients promote rapid growth of tomato plants. One of the easiest ways to feed your tomato plants is to mix a quick-release fertilizer into the soil at planting time. Look for products designed for vegetables. The soil drains quickly, taking nutrients from it. Four to six weeks after planting, fertilize the plant again with a fertilizer that releases quickly mixed with two inches above the ground or with organic products, such as fish emulsion, greensand or kelp food.
6. Give the tomato plants plenty of sun.
Tomatoes need at least 8 hours of sunlight to set their leaves each day for optimal growth and fruiting. Abundant light is also important for good fruit production. Place your tomato plants on the south or west side of the house, which will receive direct sunlight
7. Water the dried tomato plants daily.
Tomato is a thirsty plant, especially when it begins to grow, so it will be best if it is watered at least once a day. Morning is the best time to water. On hot or windy days, water in the morning and evening. Your goal is not to let your planted tomato plants dry out enough to prevent them from rotting. Water the plants well, until you see a lot of water coming out of the drainage holes.
8. Keep the leaves dry.
Many tomato leaf diseases are spread when water and soil are sprayed on the leaves. Reduce the spread of disease by spraying tomato plants with water under their soil; Avoid keeping wet leaves as much as possible. If you use a hose to water your tomato plants, adjust the pressure so that the soil does not spray onto your plants.
9. Give plants space.
Good ventilation helps prevent disease because moving air quickly dries the leaves, preventing certain diseases from taking hold. Arrange plants so that air circulates around them completely. For example, place your tomatoes so that their leaves do not fall on the wall or touch other plants as much as possible.
10. Provide support for potted tomato plants.
Tomatoes get heavier as they grow. Even a bunch of small cherry and grape tomatoes can break and break the stem. Give your tomato plants support by driving or potting them at planting time. Sweet-smelling tomatoes can be grown on a trellis or tied to a tree as they grow.