25 Benefits of Trees

 What is Tree?

A tree is a large plant with a trunk, branches and leaves. If you have an apple tree in your garden, you will have apples in the fall and a nice place to sit in the summer.



Benefits of Trees

1. Combat climate problems:

  Excess carbon dioxide (CO2) builds up in our atmosphere, contributing to climate change. Trees absorb CO2, remove and store carbon while releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. In one year, an acre of mature trees absorbs the same amount of CO2 produced when you drive your car 26,000 miles. 

2.Trees Clean air: 

Plants absorb odors and pollutants (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone) and clean the air by trapping them in their leaves and bark.


3. Trees provide oxygen: 

 In one year, one acre of mature trees can provide enough oxygen for eighteen people.

4. Trees Cool the Street and City: 

The average temperature in Los Angeles has increased 6°F in the past 50 years as tree cover decreases and the number of streets and buildings increases. Trees cool the city by up to 10ºF, cover our homes and roads, break up “heat islands,” and release moisture into the air through their leaves.

5. Tress saves energy: 

 Three trees placed in sequence around a single-family home can reduce summer air conditioning needs by up to 50%. By reducing the demand for energy to cool our homes, we reduce carbon dioxide and other air pollutants from power plants.

6. Trees conserve water: 

 Shade from trees slows down the evaporation of water from dry trees. Most newly planted plants require only 15 gallons of water per week. As plants emerge, they increase the humidity of the air.


7. Trees help prevent water pollution:

Trees reduce rainfall by intercepting rain, allowing water to flow through the tree and into the soil beneath the tree. This prevents rainwater from carrying pollutants into the ocean. When it is dissolved, the plant acts like a sponge that filters this water itself and uses it to pump water into the soil.


8. Trees help prevent soil erosion:

 On the side of a mountain or a stream, trees slowly drain the water and hold the soil. 


9. Trees protect children from violet rays:

 Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. Trees reduce UV-B exposure by about 50 percent, thus providing protection for children in schoolyards and playgrounds – where children spend many hours outside.

10. Trees provide food:

 An apple tree can produce 15 to 20 fruits per year and can be grown in the smallest cities. Besides providing fruit to humans, trees provide food for birds and animals. 


11. Trees Heal:

 Studies have shown that patients looking at trees in windows heal faster and with fewer complications. Children with ADHD have fewer symptoms when they can experience nature. Exposure to plants and nature promotes concentration by reducing mental fatigue 

12. Trees reduce violence:

 Barriers and buildings have been shown to be more aggressive inside and out than their green counterparts. Trees and landscaping help reduce the level of fear.


13. Trees mark the Season

Is it winter, spring, summer or fall? Look at the tree.


14. Trees create economic opportunities:

The fruits harvested can be sold in local orchards, generating income. Opportunities for small businesses in green management and landscaping arise when communities promote mulching and its water conservation practices. Vocational training for young people interested in green jobs is also an excellent way to develop economic opportunities linked to trees.

15. Tress are Teacher and Play Mate

 Whether serving as a home for children or a creative and spiritual source for adults, trees have created opportunities for human return throughout the years.


16. Tress brings together different people:

 Planting trees provides an opportunity for community involvement and support that improves the quality of life in our region. All cultures, ages and genders have important roles to play in the planting or care program.


17. Trees promote healthy soil:

 Good soil is important for plant establishment. Organized land use and community planning allow for adequate support for root systems for soil and plant health.


18. Trees provide shelter and habitat for wildlife: 

Sycamore and oak trees are among the many urban species that provide excellent habitat for birds, bees, opossums and squirrels. 


19. Trees beautify space:

Trees can cover a concrete wall or garage, and the view is not good. They reduce the noise from the nearby streets and roads and make the hot tears green. Trees absorb dust from the air and reduce heat.


20. Trees help with drought medication:

 A plant’s root system is responsible for providing nutrients and water, using the roots as sensors to detect water shortage conditions and send signals to the shoots above ground. Drought-tolerant native species have water-hungry roots that run deep into the soil to tap into groundwater and draw it to the surface.

21.Trees help capture rainwater:

 Urban trees provide a nature-based solution to ever-increasing flooding. Tree cover increases the surface area that rain falls on, thereby reducing the amount of rain that reaches the ground. The root system serves as a reservoir that encourages infiltration.


22. Trees are a valuable solution to climate change:

Trees are a valuable solution to combat the negative effects of climate change, such as extreme temperatures, droughts and floods. Wood is the only resource that increases in value over time.

23. Trees help people gather outdoors and contribute to their communities:

 Research shows that the more trees and landscaping in a city, the more people will be involved in public infrastructure and the city’s businesses. This increases the use of alternative transport such as cycling and public transport, helping to further reduce the city’s carbon footprint and driving customers to shops and retailers.


24. Trees increase business traffic.

 Trees slow down traffic, giving drivers a chance to look at shops.


25. Trees increase productivity.

 Operators report high levels of productivity and a lack of presence and close proximity to plants

Why do leaves change color in the fall?
production decreases as night length increases (fall and winter). The
green color is no longer reflected and the other chemicals in the paper
dominate, revealing the red and yellow pigments.
Weather conditions during the period when chlorophyll production decreases affect color. • Hot weather reduces color quality.
• Wet soil following a good growing season contributes to color. • A few warm, sunny days and cool, light nights.

Drought often has more severe consequences. The leaves fall in autumn
as part of the plant’s preparation for the winter break. Because it is
too cold for water to remain in the plant tissue (freezing water will
break the plant cells), and because the water in the soil is too hot to
absorb it , the plant closes the main system during the winter months.
Poisonous plants lose their leaves; Conifers have a strategy for keeping
their needles in winter.

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