What is Weed? and its importance

 What is Weed? and its importance

Weeds are defined as unwanted plants in fields which grow along with the main crop. They are strong and dominant for crops. Their abundant seed production, rapid population establishment and adaptive characteristics make them strong competitors and contribute to their survival.

 Common examples of weeds are grass, algae,Amaranthus, and Chenopodium.

Weeds compete for the nutrients that plants need. They compete for light, water, food and space. They reduce yield and are a source of disease.

Types of weed

There are different types of weed:

Hand pulling and Cultivation

This is a method of manual weeding. Some tools like a shovel can be used to do this job.

Pre emergent herbicides

Pre emergent herbicides prevent the growth of weeds. It is placed on the ground after planting a perennial or annual plant. The plant must be active during the growing season for good results.


Mulch is spread in the garden to prevent sunlight from reaching the seeds of weeds, thereby preventing their growth.

 Crop protection from weeds

Weeding involves removing weeds from a field. It is an effective pre-harvest method for crop protection and crop production management. Weeds act as competitors to crops for various resources required for growth such as food, light, water, etc. therefore they must be eliminated because they can cause interference and reduce performance.

Weeds can be managed in many ways. Weed management includes soil preparation, irrigation, hand weeding,hand hoeing crop rotation and herbicides. 

Land preparation helps remove seeds and weeds before planting the main crops. Weeding is done by hand, which is tedious and time consuming. 

Nowadays,weedicides and herbicides are the most common and effective methods of weed control. Chemicals like MCPA and 2,4-D are herbicides. They can be applied in three stages: before and after planting and after weeding. But these chemicals can pose health risks and environmental problems. 

Weeds are useful for nature but they damage crops. Therefore, weed must be controlled to avoid the effects they have on living things.

How does grass grow without introducing seeds? 

First, the word “weed” here does not sound like any specific plant. These are unwanted plants that take up any garden space or container without your notice. Of course, we do not plant seeds for unwanted weeds. So, where do they come from and how? The answer is much simpler. 

Unwanted seeds, especially those with soft teeth, can easily pass through air and water. The soil you use may also contain some of these seeds. Apart from this, many seeds can be spread through pests, animals and through our clothes. Therefore, there is no specific way to protect.

Many of these seeds can survive and lie dormant in the soil for years as they await favorable growing conditions. Once they get the right temperature, humidity and soil-like environment, they grow and thrive as soon as they can. These seeds have the instinct to grow as fast as they can. They must grow and reproduce quickly to ensure the continuity of their status.

Different ways of weeding

You can remove weeds by hand or use any portable garden tool. Hand weeding works well in small gardens, containers or isolated flower beds. It will take time and patience to remove weeds one by one.

 Importance of weeding and raking

Garden tools such as shovels or trowels can make this process easier, saving a lot of time and effort. You should use these tools to save time and effort. Additionally, some trees are hard enough to handle with bare hands. Even some types of grass have twisted roots that you cannot easily remove with your hands. It will break from the top and the roots will grow back in a few days. Therefore the use of tools is inevitable in these situations. 

Many weeding machine are actually available for this job. Although many of these tools are not useful for backyard gardeners. These machines are required in larger agricultural areas such as commercial farms. This is why I recommend regular hand weeding with common hand tool. Most of these farm tools are inexpensive and easy to use.

The importance of weeding

Do you know the importance of weeding? If not, don’t worry, we will discuss it here. At least you now understand the words weed and weeding

Weeds are unwanted plants in your garden that disturb other flowers and vegetables. Weeding is simply removing weeds from your garden. The word weed is not associated with any plant. he is not a clear competitor. So make the conversation personal. Regular cleaning helps keep your garden clean and tidy. It reduces the load on the soil and the plants growing there. Weeds compete with surrounding plants for nutrients, water and valuable root space

Removing these weeds can help loosen the soil and make room for the roots of other plants. Fewer plants mean less nutrient and water requirements. Therefore, good grass can also reduce the need for fertilizers. This can save you a lot of money to spend on fertilizers.

Too much weed growth restrict ventilation in the garden. They also serve as a breeding ground for many insects and insects. So weeding can help control pests and make your garden healthy.

 Importance of weeding: It can help you with-

1. Keep the garden clean and healthy. 

2. Reduce nutrition, water and surface loads on the soil.

 3. Save a lot of money you might have spent on excess fertilizer. 

4. Ensures good air circulation among the plants in the garden.

 5. As appropriate, control the attack of pests and the spread of disease in the garden.

 Is it necessary to remove weeds?

Weeding is important, especially if you want other plants to grow and thrive. Weeds don’t take up space in your garden, they also consume nutrient from the ground. These nutrients are first given to your flowers and vegetables.

In the case of a lack of nutrient, the plant will reduce its metabolic activity. You will see less flowering and more frequent fruit production.

The abundance of weed can connect the roots of other plants. This will lead to reduced crop production and reduced fruit production.

If the problem persists for a long time or weeding is neglected, other plants may die. Annual flowering plants and delicate vegetables can often grow very large. Flowers with bulbs and corms react negatively to the lack of roots and nutrients. Green vegetables do not support the growth of grass. Different weeds are more toxic than plants. Lack of space for roots to grow does not give them a chance to survive.

Therefore, you need to follow the scheduled weeding method to ensure that the growth of the plants in the garden is good.

 Are weeds beneficial or harmful to other crops in the garden?

It is really important to understand that as soon as we call this plant a weed, it harms others. All ideas of herbs are for plants that are not useful in the garden.

So we can say that weed is harming other crops in the garden. They are aggressive in nutrition and growth. This can lead to a lack of nutrients for the vegetables and flowers you need.

 Many fast-growing plants can become aggressive weeds if not managed properly. They will eat faster than others and this can become a problem. 

Therefore, remove any plant from the garden or container if you recognize it as a weed. The word weed is not associated with any type of plant. Any plant that harms other people can be considered a weed and should be disposed of as soon as possible.

What to do with grass and weeds after weeding? 

 Once the weeds are finished, the last task is to organize them according to their use. Some of these plants are edible, so if you want them, get them. Others can work great for mulching, so use it.

If nothing works for you, toss the grass, leaves and straw into the compost bin and forget about it. Garbage will turn into gold with good organic compost in a matter of months. You can use this compost to feed your crops and share the compost with your neighbors.
If you want to know more, read: How to start composting? in my garden
In commercial agriculture, the remnants of previous crops are turned into straw or straw. It only requires a few turns of the surface and then in 3 to 4 weeks. Everything will be destroyed and mixed with the ground. The next crop will get all the nutrients it needs.

 In the same way, you can also dig the ground and throw grass into it. Make sure that none of them have fruit, otherwise all efforts of weeding will be in vain. The seed will sprout and take over the space again. 

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